We are pleased to have our doors open and be able to say "welcome back" to all our wonderful patrons. 

With that being said we have smart safety policies in place to protect our workers as well as our patrons. 

1. Please respect social distancing. 2 meters-6 Feet. At all times. 

2. Sanitize your hands as soon as you enter. 

3. There are arrows to guide you through the store, these are in place to ensure social distancing with other patrons. 

4. Please refrain from touching products/counters, etc. We will handle products for you. 

5. We have line markers for the parts counter, to ensure social distancing. 

6. We have a separate exit! Please follow the arrows and it will take you to the proper door. 

7. We welcome you to browse our clothing, MX gear and everything else, however, we will have an accessories associate help you to limit and separate the clothing/gear that has been handled. Everything handled must be sanitized.  

8. You are permitted to try on clothing/gear-however, it must be separated afterwards, and the fitting room sanitized for health and safety measures. 

9. Be patient. We are only allowing as many people in to browse clothing/ accessories/ gear as we have accessories staff on hand. 

10. Please remember to be polite and respectful of our rules,policies and staff, we are here to help. 

11. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!

Please Note: We are more than happy to welcome you back, however, if our guidelines are not met, you will be asked to leave, as you put yourselves, our staff and our business at risk. Please follow the guidelines. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding. 


The J&B Team.