We Are Here to Help You Embrace The North and Live Each Moment to The Fullest!
Welcome to the North.
Where tree's and water are both abundant and concrete is rare. Where there is more trails though the woods and around lakes then we have paved through the city. Where nature1 is our back yard even within city limits.
This is where the only traffic lock ups we have, are at the Tim Horton's Drive Thru.
- Where we take trail trips that last days.
- We are the north.
- We like to work, we like to play and we certainly like to relax.
- This is our basis of lifestyle.
We are here to help you embrace the North, and live each moment to the fullest!
We live all live here, play here and most of us work here. That means we love to you making the most of our land and lifestyle, and seeing that you treat yourself because, lets face it.
You deserve it.
We all do.
If you like trips through the trails, enjoying scenery, hunting the largest or smallest game, fishing for that record walleye, or relaxing and enjoying our beautiful scenery, we have everything for you. From cooking up the most delicious meals, to working your ranch or plowing or clearing your driveway to enjoying some trail time, dirt or snow. We have it! Long day? Enjoy your warm, sweet Hickory smoked beef brisket and a cold beverage in a relaxing Hydropool Hot tub.
You deserve to feel your skies break the freshly lain snow powder and hear your engine scream as you press that throttle to keep that track ripping the snow from under you.
Maybe its not the fresh powder you seek, maybe it the thousands of kilometers of freshly groomed trails to cruise on with your friends' families and loved ones, those days where you just cruise all day.
We are the North, so Embrace it, Live it.
Maybe you like the beautiful ice scapes that the local lakes turn into. Those days where you load your trusty auger, your chair and your trusty hand made hockey stick fishing rigs. Those days taking in the beautiful winter sun while you enjoy the quiet serenity drinking your hot coffee waiting for that bell to jingle or the line to move even the slightest. Just looking up at the clear blue enjoying all there is that the Northern life can give you.